Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Issues arising from Leagues committee meeting

Last night the league's management held their first meeting of the season and the following issues were resolved:

Pitch Allocations at Normanston Park & Dip Farm
Following some early season confusion the league would like to cofirm the following pitch allocations:

Normanston Park Pitch 1: Hearts of Oak & Corton/Ole Frank
Normanston Park Pitch 2: Pot Black & Marquis of Lorne
Normanston park Pitch 3: Pakefield Re-United & Carlton Rangers
Normanston Park Pitch 4: DK Consultants & Lowestoft Albion

Dip Farm Pitch 1: Oxford Arms & Lowestoft International
Dip Farm Pitch 2: Blundeston Magpies Res & Oxford Arms Res
Dip Farm Pitch 3: FC Eastport & Royal Oak
Dip Farm Pitch 4: Waveney Gunners & Factory Arms

Points Deductions

Harleston Town Res -3 Unregistered Player
Corton White Horse Seltic Res. -3 Inelligible Player
Lowestoft Albion - 3 Inelligible Player
Southwold Town Res -3 Failing to Fulfil Fixture

New Years Day Fixtures
If any club would like to play a fixture on New Years Day, Saturday 1st January 2011 then please inform fixtures secretary John Harris.

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